Wired insights

LGXtra™ high-performance Fiber Management System

Innovation to the classic industry workhorse for fiber management.

Headends, COs & High Fiber Count Applications.

LGXtra™ is a high-performance Fiber Management System (FMS) designed to provide the flexibility, scalability, ease-of-use, and ultra-reliability needed to manage high fiber count concentrations typically found in Headends and COs.

LGXtra components are typically compatible and interoperable with installed-base LGX-style fiber management systems and LGX-style products from numerous manufacturers.

Listen to the LGX® Experts

Nobody knows more about operating LGX-style fiber management systems in your networks than … you! Our LGXtra product line reflects years of our customers’ real-world experience and input, defining a comprehensive line-up of components ready to maintain, grow and optimize LGX-style fiber management systems in headend and CO environments.

Practical Innovation

To add value to the LGXtra product line, Wirewerks engineers collaborate with customer experts to define and develop ‘practical’ innovations that solve real fiber management challenges in real production networks, always with the goals of simplifying operations, increasing reliability and reducing costs.

Different Differentiation

Continuing to invest in the development of beneficial new features and capabilities for a classic, de facto standard product line is a different way for a manufacturer to differentiate their solutions. By continuing to advance the LGXtra product line with new features that may be deployed in both new projects and across the massive installed-base, Wirewerks keeps our LGXtra system efficient and effective in headend and CO fiber management applications. This approach extends the operational lifespan of the LGXtra solution, increasing ROI and protecting literally decades of our customers’ investments.

Read more about Wirewerks Solutions or download the Product Catalog.